Support Castleberry | Castleberry Peace Institute

Support Castleberry

The Castleberry Peace Institute depends on its donors, supporters and research grants to carry out its mission to conduct research on conflict and peacebuilding and to develop more learning opportunities for students. Your gift can provide scholarships to promising students who may be working 2-3 jobs to support thesmelves, support research into the most effective strategies for conflict mediation, peace building, reconciliation and for protecting human security, bring noted speakers to campus and support our research and teaching initiatives in places like Colombia, Northeast India and Northern Ireland. If you would like to donate to the Institute, please visit UNT Giving. You can find several funds for the Castleberry Peace Institute and for the Vivian Castleberry Trailblazer Scholarship you might donate to. All you need to do is to the "Find Funds" link and search for Castleberry.

To learn more about opportunities to help, contact James Meernik, Director of the Castleberry Peace Institute, Professor of Political Science at UNT at