James Meernik

Director, Castleberry Peace Institute & Christian Family Peace Professor
James Meernik

Dr. Meernik's research has focused on understanding how people advance truth, reconciliation, justice and peace after conflict. He has worked on research projects related to international justice such as the impact of judicial decision making on human rights (Judgment Day. 2017. Cambridge University Press) and the impact of testifying on witnesses (The Witness Experience. Co-authored with Kimi King. 2017. Cambridge University Press and Judging Justice. Co-authored with Kimi King. 2019. University of Michigan Press. More recently Prof. Meernik has worked on research and teaching projects regarding peacebuilding in Colombia. With Jacqueline Demeritt (UNT) and Mauricio Uribe (EAFIT, Medellin) he co-edited As War Ends: What Colombia Can Tell Use about the Sustainabiity of Peace and Transitional Justice (2019. Cambridge University Press).

His current research is focused on Colombia and involves the study of reintegration of former combatants, the demobilization of current combatants, reconciliation, the search for missing persons, and the current peace processes in Colombia.