In a recent article in UNT’s magazine The North Texan, graduates of UNT’s Political Science doctoral program were highlighted for introducing human rights and peace studies into the curriculum of universities across the state, the nation, and even the world (one of our grads, Scott Walker, is at University of Canterbury in New Zealand). Julie Harrelson-Stephens has introduced human rights courses at Stephen F. Austin University. Rhonda Callaway has done the same at Sam Houston State University. In the article, Julie notes that "You don't find peace studies at every university. During my first few teaching jobs, I had to propose the creation of human rights courses." She and Rhonda Calloway are co-editors of a widely used textbook for human rights courses, Exploring International Human Rights: Essential Readings. Madhav Joshi (Ph.D. 2010) grew up in Nepal, where its first experiment with parliamentary democracy was disrupted by a civil war that started in 1996. He entered UNT’s graduate program in political science in order to learn about civil conflicts, how they end, and what factors contribute to a durable peace in the aftermath of conflict. He and Jason Quinn (Ph.D. 2010) are now both research assistant professors at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace (pictured above). The two of them are the primary researchers on the Peace Accords Matrix, a project that is creating a database on all of the provisions contained in all peace agreements that have brought civil wars to an end since 1991. Also featured in the article are Amber Aubone, who directs the graduate program in international studies at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, and Steve Liebel, who is teaching conflict and conflict management courses at Colorado State University-Pueblo.